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let read the bible

A special Bible Reading Campaign for children





"Let's Read the Bible" campaign is an inspiring campaign to engage children around the world to read the bible (a chapter or a verse) thereby contributing to keeping the BIble as the number one book in the world, even among children.

The Bible says "Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it." Proverbs 22:6. This beautiful campaign gives every child an opportunity to read at least one chapter of the Bible of his/her choice, get recorded while reading, upload his/her video and share the link to other children. By reading the Bible, the kids will come to know and love the ministry of the Holy Spirit and understand the sacrificial love of our Lord Jesus Christ. Furthermore, parents can read alongside their children while recording the activity. This "Read-to-me" option is a good way to engage younger children so that no child is left out.


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let read the bible image

Deuteronomy 19:1-3

let read the bible image

Ephessian 3:16-21

let read the bible image

Genesis 1:1-5

let read the bible image

Luke 3:1-5

let read the bible image

Luke 3:12-15

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Romans 8:1-3

let read the bible image

Romans 13:1-14

let read the bible image

Romans 1:16

let read the bible image

Romans 13:1-14

let read the bible image

Revelations 22:12

let read the bible image

Psalms 150

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Psalms 100:1-2

let read the bible image

Psalms 51:10

let read the bible image

Psalms 1:1-3

let read the bible image

Philippians 4:13

let read the bible image

Matthew 5:9

let read the bible image

Mark 1:9-11

let read the bible image

Joshua 18:1-28

let read the bible image

John 3:16

let read the bible image

John 3:16